FOMO Explained

The Fear Of Missing Out is Real

Did you know an alarming 56% of social media users are afraid of missing out on events, news, and status updates if they are away from social networks?

Did you know FOMO can actually be harmful, fueling anxiety and further perpetuating a lack of self-confidence?

The fear of missing out on something or someone more interesting, exciting, or better than what we’re currently doing is actually considered an addiction.

There is a very good chance that you or someone you care about exhibits the addictive behaviors of FOMO. Constantly checking social media feeds, looking for validation through frequent posting, and neglecting to connect with those who are in the very same room are negative behaviors associated with FOMO.

During this unique webinar, you will learn FOMO triggers, the adverse effects of FOMO, and ways to quiet the FOMO-urges. My goal is to share with you how limiting FOMO can be, which is why I invite you to attend my next webinar, FOMO Explained, on Thursday, January 28th at 8:00 pm SRT.

Learn the Truth About FOMO

Is your fear of missing out harming your relationships? Your career? Your academic goals?

FOMO is much more than just a trendy term. The consequences are negative and very real. Giving in to FOMO is a real problem impeding real meaningful connections, which is actually detrimental to our health.

The concept behind FOMO is the modern-day equivalent of ‘keeping up with the Joneses’. We set unrealistic standards for ourselves based on what other people share on their social media feeds. The thing we forget is that we’re comparing our normal life to someone else’s highlights.

The cycle of FOMO leads to self-doubt and feelings of being inferior, ultimately negatively impacting self-worth. FOMO perpetuates stress, anxiety, and depression. Many people look to social media as an escape from negative feelings; however, unknowingly, this is actually making things worse.

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Free Yourself From FOMO

I am motivated to share the underlying causes of FOMO and how to overcome FOMO-urges so you can regain true joy in your life. I will discuss the truth behind why FOMO develops and explain what you are missing out on by giving in to your FOMO.

In the process of searching for other things you might be missing out on, you’re missing out on what’s right in front of you. Consistently keeping tabs on others leaves little time to actually participate in things you enjoy.

You can end the cycle. Have you ever forgotten your phone at home? You know that freeing feeling (after the initial panic dies down). That’s a good thing. Constantly checking in creates anxiety and keeps up on edge. Neither of which are healthy or beneficial.

There are tons of techniques to help you develop a healthier relationship with your social media world while remaining present in the real world. The key is to maintain balance, and the goal is happiness.

One way you can help is by inviting the people you care about most to our webinar, FOMO Explained.

I Can’t Wait to Share with You on Thursday, January 28th at 8:00 pm SRT!